Place and time of harvest: Val Gerola, Val Tartano, Valmadre, Valmasino, Valmalenco.
The best time for harvesting is the flowering period, from June to September, due to the high collection rates. Each plant is cut individually by hand with hedge shears, already cleared of any weeds at ground level. The collection of this herb is so particularly difficult and tiring, because the lightness of the plants collected means that, to arrive at the scheduled quantities, many hours of harvesting over large areas must be spent.
Main morphological characteristics: herbaceous shrub plant with creeping stem on the soil that produces the nodes from which adventitious roots and vertical stems branch off. The leaves are very aromatic, oval or rond, with different shades of green, hairless in this species. The flowers are pink -violet and grow under the axils of the leaves. The wild Thyme is a polymorphic species that changes its appearance and characteristics depending on the climate and the soil: plants differ in height, color of flowers, perfume. Note that the thyme collected in the valleys of Predarossa is characterized by an aromatic note particularly sweet, almost similar to vanilla.
Main components: essential oil, tannin, labiates acid, saponins.
Thyme has an excellent antibacterial, antifungal and anti- infectious action due to its essential oil content.
It is, therefore, particularly suitable as anti-inflammatory – antiseptic for sore throat, bronchitis, tonsillitis, lung problems, but it is also an excellent expectorant, especially useful in cases of productive cough. Topically, its application is useful in cases of oily, impure, comedogenic skin. It brings benefit in the case of mycosis and minor skin infections, especially those that affect the feet ( athlete’s foot, for example).
Its flavonoids exert antioxidant and anti-radical action.
Thank to its antibacterial action, it has been shown that it has a good anthelmintic action on the intestinal worms and parasites.
It is an excellent tonic- digestive for problems in indigestion and irritable stomach.
The Wild Thyme owes its name “serpillo” to the habit of the plant, which creeps on the ground, similar to a snake.
It is a plant which has a long tradition of use: the Crusaders took it on as a symbol of strength and courage, Pliny recommended it as an antidote to the bites and headaches, while the Romans burned believing that the smoke would keep scorpions away.
You can find this officinal plant in the following Edelweiss products:
Invigorating Body Wash
Universal cleaning concentrate. For the whole house.